Cargo Module

It covers the entire program that will enable a cargo company to carry out, monitor and report its cargo activities from a single center. Term and indefinite contracts used in breakdowns such as subcontractors, suppliers, agencies and customers on the entire platform are managed centrally and used for transactions such as price finding, price revision and reconciliation where necessary.

It is the entire structure where planned and unplanned audits can be organized and secret customer scenarios can be created within the hierarchical structure determined within the group. An audit scenario is created with random access from the defined control steps. This scenario is assigned to a controller with random access. Detections and findings made after the audit are entered into the system and audit reports are created.

At this stage, the algorobot (algorithmic calculation methods) developed specifically for Lojisoft manages the necessary adjustments and iterations to prevent random transactions from being repetitive and error-prone. If desired, each random process can be intervened manually. Reporting of marketing and sales activities, customer interviews, potential customer monitoring, CRM management, Marketing activities recording, answering calls to the call center, complaint management, call performance and reporting.

Module Features




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