Automotive Transportation
In automotive transportation, subcontractor companies carry out operations through the Lojisoft application in the transportation of auto-truck projects.
By using the Lojisoft Domestic Module and Mobile Field Delivery applications, order management, positioning, invoicing and POD information is sent to the center through integratedsystems.
Fuel Transportation
In the Northern Iraq - Turkey crude oil transportation project, security procedure controls and road inspection controls in loading and unloading facilities were operated through the Mobile Inspection System with LOJISOFT, thus reducing the margin of error in the operation. made it possible.
Project Transportation
In project solutions carried out with heavy transportation companies, in sales activities via LOJISOFT, processes starting from the offer are carried out through the system at every point until the operation is completed and closed as a file. The stock is periodically regulated and made traceable.
BOD Project
As DOA BİLGİ TECHNOLOGIES, with our team who is the architect of the Dealer Common Warehouse project for the first time in Turkey, we have implemented the project, which is based on instantaneous data transfer between Suppliers - Logistics Suppliers - Dealers - Services - Customers, both operationally and software-wise.
With the project launched in two regions in Istanbul, order integration, warehouse management, Diva order integration, warehouse shipment information, service hour information were operated simultaneously, thus reducing the costs of the dealers and ensuring faster and more precise delivery to the end user.
Fertilizer Transportation and Storage
Planning of produced, imported and exported fertilizer shipments, port evacuation, transfer warehouse and shipment operations can be reported more accurately and faster thanks to special workflows designed on LOJİSOFT.
Cold Chain Transportation and Storage
Cold Chain Transportation and storage activities have been implemented for many different customers, especially in the Food and Medical sectors, with different workflows and reporting features. While product shipments in different product groups specific to the food industry are carried out, pallet optimization and route optimization are carried out based on the withdrawal information from the warehouse stock information one day before the shipment day, using LOJİSOFT Decision Support Systems.
LOJİSOFT Decision Support Systems provide the logistics team with the calculated plans. It provides the opportunity to confirm fleet and shipment planning in the most accurate way.
White Goods Transportation and Storage
Domestic Transportation, Storage, Reverse Logistics, Service Management and Order Integration operations have been carried out for many years by providing consultancy, software, hardware and integration services to both direct manufacturers and subcontractors chosen by the manufacturers in the white goods transportation and storage operations of Turkey's leading white goods manufacturers.
Spare Parts Transportation and Storage
Milk-Run and standard Domestic Transportation operations are carried out successfully through the LOJİSOFT system in the execution of spare parts and auto trailer projects of Turkey's leading automotive companies. The screens where multiple operations are managed simultaneously were changed by our customer separately for each region and operation and adapted to the needs.
Grain Transportation and Storage
In grain transportation projects, grain transportation and port evacuation operations have been made smoother and faster with weighbridge integrations within LOJISOFT. Calculations are made automatically through the system.
Container Transportation and Storage
Maritime Line Management companies can provide domestic transportation and storage services as well as shipowner services for their own and customer's containers. In this context, all operational transactions of companies are carried out through LOJISOFT.
Mineral Transportation and Storage
While LOJISOFT offers direct solutions to the storage and transportation needs of mining transportation operations, it also carries out on-site operations specific to mining operations, special operations of work machines and Ordinance / Ramp management.
In addition, the products are packaged and handled according to different product groups before shipment. transactions are carried out through the system.
Cargo Project
Solutions suitable for the needs of cargo companies can be provided by using the TMS and WMS systems LOJİSOFT infrastructure, along with all end-to-end software and integration requirements.
Through the LOJİSOFT system, macro and micro distributions of palletized transportation within the country can be carried out in cargo operations.
Fleet Management
With LOJISOFT Fleet Management Module, which is preferred by companies with large vehicle fleets, debit, spare parts, service, driver, driver penalty and expense transactions in fleet management operations can be carried out through the Module.
In addition to the Fleet Management Module, mobile application support is provided. Debit, service, etc. via mobile application. Services provide instant data transfer from the field.
Warehouse Management
UMAT (Umumi Mağzalar Türk A.Ş.), affiliated with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), which is one of the oldest and most well-established organizations of Turkey, founded by the Great Leader Atatürk himself in 1937, carries out the warehouse operations in its Mersin, İskenderun and İzmir branches with the LOJİSOFT Warehouse Module. It is carried out through.
Licensed Warehousing
T.R. Although Licensed Warehousing Services included in the legislation of the Ministry of Customs and Trade are implemented in a very limited way for now, they will begin to be carried out widely in a very short time. Many companies providing free warehousing services have started operations for Licensed Warehousing.
At this point, LOJİSOFT Warehouse Module, in addition to its free warehousing capabilities, is now ready for Product Specialized Exchange transactions by printing Product Certificates.